I have edited a new and much-improved versions of my first novel, and am on the hunt for a new agent. Meanwhile, I'll be working on my second novel and dreaming of book deals and movie rights. Like all writers. Back in the 80's and 90's, I ran a video production company for many years and wrote dozens of TV and radio ads, political spots, and training and marketing videos. Then I adopted my daughter from China, met and married David, adopted a son from Vietnam, and began writing fiction. (Some of the political ads were fiction, but that's another story.) Now I'm revising my second novel, and caring for my mother and mother in law, both diagnosed with dementia. If I can turn my personal circus into a best seller, it will all be worthwhile. Otherwise, it's a daily root canal.
Can a smartass mom achieve commercial success as a novelist? My husband and our creditors sincerely hope so.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Back to Work!
I can see that while there's a place for blogging and checking facebook and all that, I must manage my time spent away from actual writing. No point in promoting a writing career that never got off the ground because all I did was blog...
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