Never underestimate smart, funny, and slightly bored stay-at-home moms, especially when they get angry.

Teenage drivers, abusive husbands, vandals, and child molesters are no match for these women.

But when does Neighborhood Watch become Vigilantism? And when the Moms kill a cheating husband

and the 24-hour news channels camp out in their neighborhood, will their lives ever be the same?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Revising "Revenge of the Soccer Moms"

After 5+ years of working on my debut novel, I'm one step closer to being published. A New York agent has read the entire book and suggested some revisions, and I'm working on them. Her suggestions were excellent, and if I can fix what's wrong, I THINK she'll sign me as a client. I had a book deal with a very small Indianapolis publisher--now I'm glad I backed out.

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