Never underestimate smart, funny, and slightly bored stay-at-home moms, especially when they get angry.

Teenage drivers, abusive husbands, vandals, and child molesters are no match for these women.

But when does Neighborhood Watch become Vigilantism? And when the Moms kill a cheating husband

and the 24-hour news channels camp out in their neighborhood, will their lives ever be the same?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Why Isn't Writing Aerobic?

I'm in my 2nd week of Weight Watchers on-line, and I keep looking for "novel writing" on the list of point-burning exercises. It seems to me that when I spend hours painfully chopping extraneous words, digging through mountains of prose to remove cliches and forced humor, and sweating bullets to create heart-pounding plot lines, I should earn at least a point or two.

Oh crap, that "sweating bullets" line probably cost me. No treats for me today.

Anyway, I lost 4 pounds my first week! I'd like to be gorgeous on my book jacket. Maybe I'll be the first author to pose in a bathing suit for the back cover. Actually, I'll be happy to achieve my ultimate goal of having only one chin and NOT fake it by resting my head on my hand. Seriously, look at portraits and watch for the women who pose with their chins on their hands, looking winsomely at the camera. THERE'S A SECOND CHIN BEHIND THAT HAND.

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