Never underestimate smart, funny, and slightly bored stay-at-home moms, especially when they get angry.

Teenage drivers, abusive husbands, vandals, and child molesters are no match for these women.

But when does Neighborhood Watch become Vigilantism? And when the Moms kill a cheating husband

and the 24-hour news channels camp out in their neighborhood, will their lives ever be the same?

Monday, August 3, 2015

Psyching Myself Out

Novel #1 is in the hands of two agents and an editor, so I tried to go back to Novel #2 (in progress), but then I thought I should move to Novel #3 (just barely in progress) because it's more like Novel #1 in genre, and I was told that if you find readers who like your first novel, you should give them something next that they're likely to enjoy. It could be a mistake, for example, to write a debut science fiction novel and then switch to romance, unless, I suppose, the romance is between lovers with tentacles.  But Novel #3 has stumped me. It's a little too close to my actual life, and maybe I don't have enough distance from the topic to do it justice. But I've been thinking about it for years.

So, I thought maybe I'd start by writing a short story about the runaway mom in Novel 3, to help me establish her character. And then I saw that Glimmertrain.org is having a short story contest in August, and I thought, PERFECT!  I'll write a brilliant short story and submit it. Two birds...one stone...

Not brilliant. Too much pressure.  I may go back to Novel #2. Maybe I'll add a character with tentacles.

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