Never underestimate smart, funny, and slightly bored stay-at-home moms, especially when they get angry.

Teenage drivers, abusive husbands, vandals, and child molesters are no match for these women.

But when does Neighborhood Watch become Vigilantism? And when the Moms kill a cheating husband

and the 24-hour news channels camp out in their neighborhood, will their lives ever be the same?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

There IS something worse than waiting.


I didn't get the ghost-writing gig. I'm still kicking myself because it's my own fault. This company is really great about giving feedback, and they liked lots of my sample, but I let one of the main characters come off a little too cranky, which I liked, but which didn't match the previous tone of the series. I knew better, but I didn't see it until they pointed it out.

I'd already spent the money I was going to make, at least in my head, so it feels like I LOST the money instead of just not earning it. Make sense? Only to me, I suppose. The worst part is that I feel I let my family down, which adds guilt to the disappointment.

I'll get past it, of course. The book packager likes my style and says they'll give me another shot at something. Maybe "third time" will be the charm...

Meanwhile, I sent a message to the prospective agent nearly a week ago, asking if she had any thoughts on my revised novel, but she hasn't answered. It's hard to stay focused on the next novel, but I'm writing. I have to keep moving forward, or I'll drown in my own angry juices.

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