Never underestimate smart, funny, and slightly bored stay-at-home moms, especially when they get angry.

Teenage drivers, abusive husbands, vandals, and child molesters are no match for these women.

But when does Neighborhood Watch become Vigilantism? And when the Moms kill a cheating husband

and the 24-hour news channels camp out in their neighborhood, will their lives ever be the same?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Disappointment. Not Fatal, Just... um... Disappointing

Well I didn't get the Young Adult gig. I got lots of very positive feedback about my three chapters, but they told me I didn't make the two main characters cool and tough enough. True enough--I erred on the side of funny and likable, maybe because I don't appreciate tough guys. Some other writer came closer to the company's vision and if the company can sell the concept to a publisher, he/she will get the job.

I'd like to think I came in a close second, and that if the other writer develops terminal carpal tunnel syndrome or massive boils on his/her fingers and has to drop out, they'll call me and I'll graciously accept their money and pretend to be sympathetic to the ROTTEN JERK WHO WROTE BETTER THAN I DID.

What matters is not succumbing to bitterness.


Unknown said...

Sorry you didn't get it. Love the humor in your post.

Unknown said...

Sorry you didn't get it. Love the humor in your post.

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